19 September 2006

Baha'i Marriage: the Marriage Transformation Project

Susanne Alexander and Craig Farnsworth are the principals of a Baha'i project called the Marriage Transformation Project (see www.marriagetransformation.com). Their recent books are Pure Gold, a book for married couples, and Can We Dance, a book for people who are looking for a marriage partner or investigating the character of a prospective partner. They hold workshops around the world training couples to use this simple and effective system.

During the podcast they mentioned the Virtues Project (www.virtuesproject.com) which is a system to teach positive character qualities (virtues) to children and youth.

They also mentioned Dr. Gary Chapman's work on the Five Love Languages. Everyone that is in a relationship needs to understand the love languages and know which one you're partner speaks and responds to. Even if you've been married twenty years, you may not know ;-)

I'm sorry that it's been a while since I've produced a podcast. It's been a busy time. My second daughter got married last weekend. She didn't read Can We Dance first, so I'll send her a copy of Pure Gold.

Thanks for listening,


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